When you cut your grass super short it exposes the roots and the soil to the sun then dehydrates the grass. This causes the yellowing brown spots you see in the lawn. Also it exposes your lawn to weeds.
When your grass is too high it lays over and won't let any sunlight to the bottom. Bugs, insects and even worms love to thrive in it. Not to mention the thatch all over your lawn. That just makes extra work because you have to remove the thicker thatch so it doesn't create brown spots in your lawn.
Grass clippings are good for your lawn. Thatch is not.
Types of grass and suggested height
Bermuda 1"-1.5" in height
Zoysia. 2.5"-3" in height
St. Augustine. 4"-4.5" in height
Floratam. 3.5"-4" in height
Carpet grass. 3/4"-2" in height
Bahia grass. 3"-3-5" in height
Make sure to measure from the bottom of your blades NOT the deck!